Why Do Cats Arch Their Backs?
Why Do Cats Arch Their Backs?

Why Do Cats Arch Their Backs?

Why Do Cats Arch Their Backs?

If you're fond of cats like me, you may have a cute family of cats. 

It’s soothing to watch your favorite pet quietly fall asleep to your petting. I don't know what I'd do if not for the cats in my life.

Our feline companions usually just get cozy on our laps and lazily blink when we pet them. But sometimes, our furry felines can act strangely to our touch. 

You may've wondered what causes a cat to behave this way. But before we get into that, let's talk about normal cat behavior to help you understand your pet better.

Feline Behavior

cat behavior

Cats are pretty darn smart and they tend to stick together. Like tigers and leopards which are often called big cats, wild cats stay together and stay safer that way.

As such, they are used to touch and like wolves, are used to rubbing their bodies together. Not only does it help them stay warm on chilly nights, it also brings them a sense of comfort.

They are predators as well as prey, so if you see your kitty ready to pounce on something out of the blue, that's normal.

Cats also sometimes bite their humans, which is something you may want to look into if it happens often.

Petting is good!

I'm sure every pet lover would agree with me that petting your kitty and spending quality time snuggling together is a routine if you've got a kitty at home.

It's also healthy for your cat and obviously a way of comfort and relaxation for you, so there's no reason not to pamper your kitty with loving touches.

Cats like being touched on their necks, around their ears and on their paws. It’s also an individual thing, so you should try petting your cat to see what they like and what they absolutely hate.

Why Do Cats Arch Their Backs?

Feels Good!

Cats, especially female ones, are very sensitive in the areas under their bellies.
Female felines get stimulated when they get touched there because of the numerous nerve endings.

So, a female will raise her body and arch her back as a sign that she's ready to mate with a male kitty.

It may seem strange to you that cats would respond to us like their mating partner but they probably think of us as big cats that take care of them. It’s a good thing that your kitty trusts you, right?

Kitty Is Scared

Felines are quick to defend themselves when they sense some danger lurking around. If your kitty is startled or afraid, it will assume an aggressive stance to get ready to run or fight back.

scared cat with arched back

Scaring your cat is not a good idea as it can cause them trauma and suffering.

An arched back can also be a sign of anger. If you've annoyed your cat, they can get defensive and furious.

A Good Stretch

If you're used to working in an office most of the day, you know just how boring that can get. Moreover, your arms and back feel sore from sitting all day. If you're lazy like me, you know how good it feels to finally stretch our bodies after lazying around.

Cats feel the same way too!

cat stretching

As cats are lazying around most of the time, they need to stretch their tiny muscles. Arching their backs and stretching their arms is a way for them to stay alert and comfy. 

Is something wrong?

Cats cannot speak, so they meow for us. If your kitty is trying to tell you something by arching its back and growling, it may be hereditary skin conditions or allergies causing them discomfort.

Felines have characteristic personalities- so while some may simply sit beside you to let you know something's off, some just arch their back and make eye contact.

Most pets feel the need to make solid bonds with owners. Cats are no different, and want constant affection from cat owners.

cat seeking attention

Your cat may just want your attention, and your response means a lot to them.

You can tell if something's wrong by looking at their tails and body language too. A straight-up tail usually means that your kitty is happy.

Do neutered/ spayed cats do the same?

It largely depends on the individual. Being neutered will make your kitty wanting less in terms of their physical needs.

But animal behavior is a complex matter and your kitty may still feel sexual urges. Innate desires simply resurface when they are in the right environments.

So, while your spayed kitty certainly won't run away at night looking for a mate, he/ she will still arch their backs when stimulated.

Does your cat seem uncomfortable? Is it incapable of finding itself around you or doesn't play around much? These problems can be solved with cat caves. Get to know more about how your adorable little friend can benefit from cat cave.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, cats arching their back is nothing unnatural. Male cats are less likely to do so but might still demonstrate that.

It's also a sign of trust when your kitty arches her back or that its just stretching- so there's no reason to worry.